


Grosz,Georg : Das neue Gesicht der herrschenden Klasse. 60 neue Zeichnungen. Berlin,Malik Verlag, 1930.

Grosz,Georg : Die Gezeichneten. 60 Blätter aus 15 Jahren. Berlin,Malik Verlag, 1930.

Favourite English Poems of Modern Times. Unabridged. Illustrated with upwards of two hundred engravings on wood, from drawings by the most eminent artists. London, Sampson Low, Son, and Co.,1862.


HARDING,J.D. : J.D. Pugin's Gothic Ornaments. Selected from Various Building in England and France drawn on Stone. London, 1831

Flaxman John : Anatomical studies of the bones and muscles , for the use of artists. London,M. A. Nattali, 1833